Mon | Tue | Wed | Thr | Fri | Sat |
5:30 am Gym Opens |
5:30 am Gym Opens |
5:30 am Gym Opens |
9:00 am Gym Opens |
5:30 am Gym Opens |
9:00 am Gym Opens |
5:30 am Group Fitness |
5:30 am Group Fitness |
5:30 am Group Fitness |
5:30 am Group Fitness |
9:00 am Group Fitness |
9:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
9:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
9:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
9:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
9:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
10:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
10:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
10:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
10:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
10:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
10:00 am3 Olympic Weightlifting |
11:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
11:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
11:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
11:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
11:00 am2 Olympic Weightlifting |
11:00 am3 Olympic Weightlifting |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thr | Fri | Sat |
12:30 pm Group Fitness |
12:30 pm Group Fitness |
12:30 pm Group Fitness |
12:30 pm Group Fitness |
3:30 pm Group Fitness |
3:30 pm Group Fitness |
3:30 pm Group Fitness |
3:30 pm3 Gymnastics |
3:30 pm Group Fitness |
3:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
3:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
3:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
3:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
3:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
4:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
4:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
4:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
4:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
4:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
4:30 pm2 Youth/Kids Olympic Weightlifting |
4:30 pm2 Youth/Kids Olympic Weightlifting |
4:30 pm2 Youth/Kids Olympic Weightlifting |
4:30 pm2 Youth/Kids Olympic Weightlifting |
4:30 pm2 Youth/Kids Olympic Weightlifting |
5:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
5:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
5:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
5:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
5:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
6:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
6:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
6:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
6:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
6:30 pm2 Olympic Weightlifting |
We conduct private and semi-private sessions throughout the day. These are scheduled individually at the mutual convenience of the athlete(s) and the coach.
1 - Open Gym is available at all hours that the gym is open.
If you are simply looking for space and equipment to complete your own training program or if you've missed a group training time, Open Gym is available (see note on Thursday) at any time when the gym is open.
Thursday Open Gym - Tacoma Strength opens it's doors on Thursday @ 3:30 pm for Open Gym.
2 - Tacoma Strength Olympic Weightlifting Team training period.
If you are new or novice weightlifter with little or no experience with the Olympic lifts or if you are looking for a refresher please contact us at
Be brave enough to be bad at something so that you can be good at something. No matter your age, athletic background (or lack of), or current fitness level today is a good day to start Olympic Weightlifting. In small groups, you will learn and progress with the lifts at your own pace. Along the way you'll gain confidence, strength, and fitness with a dash of fun.
Contact us at to learn how you can get started.
It's never too young to start your child's journey to strength and self-confidence.
Our Kids/Youth Olympic Weightlifting Program is designed to help your child develop strength, skills, and self-confidence that will help both in and outside of sports.
Contact us at to learn how your child can get started.
3 - Thursday @ 3:30 pm - Our Gymnastics/Body Weight Program option offers you an opportunity to come in and get mobile, climb, jump, and play. All abilities welcome.