A Letter From Don King

Dear People of Tacoma Strength,

To say that I have been touched by the outpouring of support from the people of Tacoma Strength understates the feelings that I have. You inspire me in so many ways! At the same time, this inspiration did not begin with the CrossFit Games. It happens every day at Tacoma Strength. The varied stories and circumstances of people at Tacoma Strength, from literal war heroes to life circumstances that many would call ordinary – I played Gym stories and experiences over and over in my mind during the Games.

Tacoma Strength, CrossFit Tacoma

Photo credit and thanks: Janice Hurley-Trailor

Is there a difference between watching a Gym Member strain for that first un-assisted Pull-Up, and me struggling with that 180-pound sled during “PULLGATORY”? I claim there is no difference. Achieving that first Pull-Up (or any other difficult movement) is every bit as impressive as my finish at the Games, and maybe even more-so! It occurred to me at one point during the Games; all the work that went into preparing, and what if injury or sickness prevented me from competing? It would not matter. The real value is in the challenges faced each and every day, learning not just to face them but to embrace them. It is taking that first step, and flinging yourself into something purely on faith. It is turning the corner from the fear in “I can’t” and coming around into believing. Have you ever entertained the thought of being on camera in front of a roaring crowd with a World Championship (Masters 55 to 59) on the line and wondered – “what if I forget how to do Double Unders?” It is a spooky thought. If you run into that thought sometime, follow it with this one – “I am going to do exactly what I have done thousands of times in the Gym!” By the way, if you can do one Pull Up, you can do a hundred!

The strains, the struggles, the defeats, the victories, the sweat, the blood; being part of the culture of Tacoma Strength means that these experiences all mix together so that each of us grows. I know I have, and I thank you for that! “Harder to kill and more useful in general” - OH, YEAH! Did you see my favorite Aussie, Alan Hindmarsh, try to stick a fork in me the last 10-yards of the Final? Because of you I was inspired to keep giving more than I thought I had. That is what I see from the people at Tacoma Strength, and if there is something to ”represent“, what could be more important than that? I hope I represented it, and I am thankful for the opportunity!

It was extremely helpful to have coaches and trainers there, and I am incredibly thankful and appreciative to have Morgan, Kurt, Jonathan, and Amy Honeycutt right there from start to finish. I had Coach Nic’s advice and encouragement via text message from Tacoma which was totally awesome (including “eat more bacon” which Kurt made sure I did). There was a strategy and plan for each event (which was sometimes simply – “GO KICK ASS!”). There was preparation and recovery. I have never felt so much mobility for Overhead Squats, and I am incredibly thankful because although I feel like I have been run over by a train, I am not injured. I achieved a new “PR” for the most Vitamin C taken in a single day. It helped me greatly to spot our Coaches in the crowd as each event began. These are people who I trust, who are my teachers, and when the pressure is great, it is truly a blessing to have credible people in your corner.

There are lots of stories to tell, and I look forward to sharing them with you from time to time. I am so very thankful to each and every one of you, from the amazing send-off, to “DonLaw” shirts, to the many pictures and comments shared from home and from the Games (shown to me throughout the Games), to having such support at the Games – there are so many of you who I owe so many thanks to and there are not enough pages available here for me to express the thanks I feel, so I look forward to saying thanks to each of you in-person.

Meanwhile, I can’t wait to size up this week’s workouts at Tacoma Strength, and to explore what’s next? Maybe a Clean Eating Challenge, or a new Program from our Coaches. Perhaps there are 10,000 reps of something that can be done in 30-Days? Of course, there are those goals on the White Board. One thing I learned from someone important to me goes something like this: “we tend to dwell more on what people think than on what God thinks.” The “people” part of this includes self. What assumptions or limitations are we walking around with that if we really faced God about would be challenged big time? That first step is the big one, but usually the first step is the one that can be taken right now. LET’S GO!

- Don King

By Morgan on Monday, July, 29, 2013