If you missed the dealio about the Truman Middle School Wrestling Team pledge drive, click here first.
Some good news and some bad news.
Okay… We didn’t raise $3,000.00 for the Truman Middle School Wrestling pledge drive because you crushed the goal with a top rope flying body slam suplex turnbuckle figure four leg lock plus that thing Hulk Hogan does when you think he’s done for but the crowd totally pumps him up and gives him enough energy to come back and deliver his signature leg drop. How much you ask?
At the close of the day you raised $4,590.00 for the Truman Middle School Wrestling Team. Not bad for what, nine days of fundraising?
We’ve got some awesome people ‘round here.
In the words of Randy the Macho Man Savage, “Oh, Yeah!”
By David on Friday, January, 25, 2013